F, G, H
principle Mind - the intelligent thinking principle which differentiates the
human kingdom from the animal kingdom.
Fire (by
Friction) - Electricity animating the atoms of matter, or the substance of the
solar system, resulting in the "spheroidal form of all manifestation. The
innate heat of all spheres. Differentiation of all atoms one from
(Electric) - Electricity demonstrating as vitality or the will-to-be of some
Entity, and manifesting as "Abstract Being, Darkness and Unity."
Fire (Solar)
- Electricity animating forms or congeries of atoms, and resulting in Coherent
groups, the radiation from all groups, or the magnetic interaction of these
groups, the synthesis of form; cosmic mental fire; the sumtotal of the sparks
of mind, the fires of the mental bodies and the animating principle of the
evolving units of the human race in the three worlds; solar fire is dual. It is
the fire of matter or substance and the fire of mind blended. This makes man
the six-pointed Star of Light, for each of these fires is triple.
Fohat Cosmic
electricity. Primordial light. The universal propelling life force. Ceaseless
destructive and constuctive power.
Forces Those
energies which are limited and imprisoned within a form of any kind - a body, a
plane, an organ, a centre; the energies are those streams of directed energy
which make impact upon these imprisoned
forces from within a greater or more inclusive form, from a subtler plane, thus
making contact with a grosser vibratory force. An energy is subtler and more
potent than the force upon which it makes impact or establlishes contact; the
force is less potent but it is anchored. In these last two words you have the
key to the problem of the relationship of energies. (see Energy)
Form -
Electricity on the monadic plane demonstrates as the first manifestation of
form, as that which causes forms to cohere. Matter (electrified "fire by
friction") and the electric fire of spirit meet and blend, and form
appears. Form is the result of the desire for existence, hence the dynamic
fireof Will is transmuted into the burning fire of Desire.
Refers to the world of emotional being and of desire, in which all forms dwell;
a distortion of the turth and a faulty reflection of reality; all the aspects
of those deceptions, illusions, misunderstandings and misinterpretations which
confront the aspirant at every step of their way until they achieve unity. The
cause of glamour is primarily based upon the sense of duality. Illusion or
maya, specifically on the astral plane. The former refer to the mental and
physical planes respectively. Glamour is astral energy colouring mental energy
so that it distorts reality.
Globe An
evolution within a "chain" period : seven globes to a chain. Earth is
currently in her fourth "globe" period.
Knowledge of God. The Mysteries of Being. Wisdom. Sophia.
God Deity or
originating cause. The sum-total of all the states of consciousness within the
solar system; the Macrocosm; the Universal Mind; the Absolute; the Unknown; the
expression of the One Life which animates every form on the outer subjective
plane; the Life in which we "live and move and have our being"; a new
definition of God was given us when the Buddha taught that God was Light and
showed us that way of illumination, and when Christ revealed to us that God was
Love through His life and service on earth. A new Approach is on the Way,
bringing us the next needed truth. See "Logos".
Humanity's first attempt to express the Love of God; an expression of the
second Ray of Love-Wisdom; a principle which conceals and contains the hidden
purpose of the Logos.
Group A
living, functioning Entity having form, personality, soul and purpose in
objective; the sum of the quality, consciousness and awareness of those unitary
lives of which it is composed.
Gunas (3) The
three divisions of matter: Tamas (inertia), rajas (activity) and Sattva
Spiritual teacher. A Master in metaphysical and ethical doctrines.
Heart An
aspect of pure reason; usually considered the organ of pure love but - from the
angle of the esoteric sciences - love and reason are synonymous terms, found to
be not only the engine which circulates the life fluids, but also the generator
of a certain type of intelligent essence which is the positive factor in the
life of the cell.
Hierarchy A
place of fusion of all souls upon the higher levels of the mental plane; a
meeting place of energies; a state of consciousness with the life aspect,
Shamballa, at the center and the circle of humanity constituting the emanating
factor, the radiatory influence or the aura, whereby the other kingdoms in
nature are evoked into responsive activity. Group of spiritual beings on the
inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature and
who control the evolutionary processes. Divided into 12 Hierarchies. The Occult
Hierarchy or Masters of Wisdom, disciples and initiates are a reflection.
Humanity That
evolution through which the Son or Soul aspect is to express itself most
perfectly in this cosmic incarnation; that human Centre whose eternal mission
is to bring light to all created lives. In Humanity the pairs of opposites
blend and the three fires meet. Humanity is the best expression of the manasic
principle, and a sheath for the life of God, as well as the individualized
consciousness of the Logos. Humanity is the Prodigal and a great experiment in
time and space.
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